I learned my astrology in the street by studying 1000's of charts and compiling my own sets of correspondences in so far as they relate to natal, predictive, synastric, medical, mundane and electional astrology. As such, I am mostly unencumbered by traditionalists and the conventional wisdom. I would like to share the knowledge I have gleaned over the last 15 years, hence this blog. The site is targeted at two sets of people: those interested in astrology and those interested in the future. You do not need to be an astrologer to appreciate much of the material covered here. Click to view contact details. You can also follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2012 Series - Part 1 - How it works ...

This series of posts (of which this is the first) deals with important celestial configurations shaping up in the skies over the next 8 years. These patterns have been associated in certain circles with apocalyptic scenarios relating to the end of the Mayan long count around the December solstice in 2012 ... along with all the other WW III end-of-the-world nightmare scenarios that people have been expecting since 1988.

By the way, 1988 was fingered thanks to Alsacian prophet Alois Irlmaier whose prophecies mention a date with "two 8's and a 9". Since this ambiguous piece of crap can mean anything from 1988 to any day in August 1998 to 8th August 2009, cult heroes and their zombies have been periodically holding onto their hats waiting for nukes to start flying.

21st century astrologers have an advantage over idiot gurus and their zombie acolytes because we have access to high precision astronomical ephemerides, Pentium processors, and all of recorded history delivered to the desktop via broadband. This is how it works ... Step 1: look at what is coming up in the sky; Step 2: search back in time to find the same or similar configurations; Step 3: research history for what happened on the previous occasions these same celestial patterns shaped up in the heavens; Step 4: based on this, draw appropriate and sensible conclusions about what might be coming up in the future.

The world is already experiencing some 2012 configs. The 8 year series kicked off in January 2008 with Pluto's ingress into Capricorn, followed by the Uranus-Saturn opposition which came into 1 degree orb round about the same time the markets crashed. Funny that.

This is not the forum to discuss the future of the markets and the SA economy as this information has been bought and paid for by my corporate subscribers. But it makes for very interesting reading, I can assure you.

I will be featuring all the other significant 2012 transits. So, if you're worried about what might be happening to the world, keep checking the blog.

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